
“The salt of the earth.” This is how Jesus described his followers. He did not say: “Saffron. You are the saffron of the earth.” That would have been nice, to be thought of as rare and expensive. Instead he said they were as ordinary as salt – plain, almost colourless.

Salt has taken on a whole new meaning to me as I’ve matured. When you have lived through decades with low blood pressure, you realise how important salt is to your diet. Just over a year ago, my blood pressure began to rise and I had to make a change in my use of salt.

When I pondered this in terms of the gospel, I wondered if this is not the same in our western world today. Some countries were saturated with the gospel over hundreds of years. And like our bodies became used to the salt, did we too become so used to hearing the gospel that we decided that we had had enough?

Or is it that those who follow Jesus, those who are the salt of the earth are not BEING that salt? And so, we fail to season our world.

“You are the salt of the earth.” Matthew 5:13a
Photo by C Drying on Unsplash

Salt preserves.

Salt is essential.

Salt cleanses.

Salt heals.

Salt flavours.

Photo by Tiard Schulz on Unsplash

I am so glad that Jesus called me SALT. What a privilege!

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